An Amish man getting a drunk driving charge in his horse-drawn buggy has to be one of the oddest DUI charges of all time.
STURGIS - From a new splash pad to a stolen Amish horse and buggy, there were many headlines in Sturgis in 2024. Following are highlights of projects and events in Sturgis throughout the year. After ...
No agreement was reached during a settlement conference on Thursday for the alleged driver involved in the Amish buggy crash ...
A four-wheel horse-drawn carriage — a common site among the Amish community of Arthur. The horseshoes and carriage wheels cause more street damage than do vehicle tires.
The Kasson woman involved in a February vehicle versus Amish buggy crash ... with $13,600 for the carriage destroyed in the crash and $7,000 for the horse which will no longer go on the road.
Scholars define the Old Order Amish by two distinctive features: 1) the use of horse-and-buggy transportation, and 2) the use of Pennsylvania German dialect in church services and daily conversation.
Legislators grappled with how to regulate Amish buggies without impinging on the sect's religious beliefs about technology.
DERRY TWP. — State Police identified a Danville-area Amish couple and the driver of a car that struck their horse-drawn buggy, in which seven children were ...