A cutting-edge molecular approach provides a detailed picture of the biological pathways associated with childhood obesity and metabolic dysfunction, and identifies environmental risk factors during ...
Jan. 15, 2025 — While most known types of DNA damage are fixed by our cells' in-house DNA repair mechanisms, some forms of DNA damage evade repair and can persist for many years, new research ...
Scientists have collected troves of DNA and microscopic imaging data from human cells—and now they have a tool that might ...
Large language models may unlock a new and valuable type of research.
Valley High School biology teacher Kathy Jo Sagwitz learned how to do more with less for her students. “Before this year, I ...
There’s an saying that a teacher affects eternity. But when the teacher’s lucky, that influence comes right back.
NASA released two amendments to the NASA Research Announcement Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) ...
Tauber, an immigrant from Mexico who teaches science at Rocky Mountain High School, received a Presidential Award for ...
The UK needs to take ‘urgent’ action to embrace engineering biology or risk losing out on the economic and industrial benefits, a report from the House of Lords science and technology committee has ...
The Palo Alto Board of Education will vote on whether or not to create one “foundational” biology course on Jan. 21.