The piranhas which have been attacking people off Pôr-do-Sol Beach have a bite force about 30 times their body weight, ...
Masha, 22, was performing in a mermaid show in Xishuangbanna, China when the fish attacked - and was later forced back into ...
Other types of bone-plated fish that lacked jaws developed a range of bizarre ... The second group, the bony fish, were covered in scales and had maneuverable fins and gas-filled swim bladders ...
Xiphactinus was one of the largest bony fish of the Late Cretaceous and is ... seabirds were snared inside Xiphactinus's upturned jaw, which was lined with giant, fanglike teeth, giving it an ...
A mermaid performer in China was violently attacked by a massive fish while swimming in an aquarium, narrowly escaping with ...
The difference between a shark and other fish: Unlike bony fish, sharks ... ever recorded measured 132 pounds of force between the jaws of a dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus).
But their jaws, spinal column and the cartilage surrounding their ... ‘Being light and more flexible than bone, cartilage means sharks can typically swim faster than bony fish.’ Cartilage is about ...