Slavery was abolished in the Caribbean in 1838, and the liberated people now fully embraced carnival as their own. Their Mas costumes were often based upon West African myths and were mostly scary ...
the British Royal Navy maintained and sheltered its Caribbean fleet at a well-protected dockyard on the island.) Carnival outfits worn throughout the Americas have roots in African, European ...
Carnival in the Caribbean is a longstanding tradition rooted ... of Carnival derived from calypso that combines East Indian and African instrumentation. I’ve been lucky enough to be immersed ...
Rooted in African-Caribbean culture and celebrating community ... Is the fun being sucked out of Notting Hill Carnival? Rewind: More than 50 years of fun at Carnival Partygoer Dianne Larrington ...
This year's festival will see participants wearing iconic carnival costume pieces from over the last 50 years Preparations are underway for a city's 50th Caribbean carnival celebrating all things ...
The magic of East Dry River is that it's the birthplace of Carnival, a historic festival that dates back to the Transatlantic Slave Trade, where enslaved people of African descent emulated ...