The Gurugram police have arrested a Youtuber and three of his friends, who had recorded a video performing dangerous, life-threatening stunts in two high-end cars. After the video of the stunts ...
Mohali: Youngsters were caught flaunting out of windows and standing on the roof of moving SUVs. As the video of the stunt went viral on social media, Mohali police swung into action, identified the ...
The Gurugram police have arrested a Youtuber and three of his friends, who had recorded a video performing dangerous, life-threatening stunts in two high-end cars. After the video of the stunts ...
Den of Thieves 2: Pantera doesn’t have a De Tomaso mid-engine sports car in it. Bummer. But there is a Porsche Taycan Turbo, and that’s a plus. Actually, there were five Taycans. This is the ...
Police booked the driver for negligence and culpable homicide. MUMBAI: An inebriated passenger who was doing stunts in a moving autorickshaw on Thursday died that night after he hit a parked tempo.