Using 1/10th scale 3D-printed hula hooping robots and a lot of math, researchers have determined the ideal body shape for hula hooping. LIKE BOING BOING BUT NOT THE ADS? CLICK HERE TO GO AD-FREE! Hula ...
Or sign-in if you have an account. It turns out that hula hooping comes naturally to certain people and no matter how hard others may try, they still won’t be able to keep the hoop elevated for ...
Overlaid video frames reveal that an hourglass-shaped body successfully hula hoops. (Courtesy: NYU’s Applied Math Lab) Popularized in the late 1950s as a child’s toy, the hula hoop is undergoing ...
Hula hooping is so commonplace that we may overlook some interesting questions it raises: 'What keeps a hula hoop up against gravity?' and 'Are some body types better for hula hooping than others?' ...
Having a talent for hula hooping could be more down to your body shape than your technique, according to a new study that also links these findings to potential innovations in robotics and energy ...
To keep a Hula-Hoop aloft, it helps to be in shape — literally. Experiments with gyrating, hoop-slinging robots have revealed how these spinning rings stay up despite the pull of gravity.
Hula hooping is so commonplace that we may overlook some interesting questions it raises: "What keeps a hula hoop up against gravity?" and "Are some body types better for hula hooping than others?" ...
Not touched a Hula Hoop in years? Channel your inner child with this quick and effective workout which will work your waist and keep you stable on your feet. This challenge not only helps tone ...
hula hooping was a fun game we used to play in the playground without a second thought about how it was impacting our abs. So, can the workout really build strength – or is it all just child’s ...
Some version of the Hula-Hoop has been around for millennia, but the popular plastic version was introduced by Wham-O in the 1950s and quickly became a fad. Now, researchers have taken a closer ...