Therefore, a stimulus-response model is proposed to investigate the dominant technology by exploring its formation process and mechanism. Specifically, based on complex adaptive system theory and the ...
Complex adaptive systems (CAS) consist of many interacting and adapting components. Echo is a computational CAS model in which evolving agents are situated in a resource-limited environment. Different ...
Abstract: We evaluate whether John Holland's Echo model exemplifies his theory of complex adaptive systems. After reviewing Holland's theory of complex adaptive systems and describing his Echo model, ...
Fundamental aspects in complex adaptive systems including how to understand the coordination and cooperation phenomena ... who are already familiar with their journal's scope, ethos, and publishing ...
My research focuses on the complex adaptive behavior that emerges in social systems. The goal of this work is to understand the principles by which aggregate patterns emerge from the simple ...
In the front part of the loop, growth and maturity, there is an accumulation of resources and systems often spend most of their time in these phases. In the back part, release and exploration, there ...
As if understanding this complex evolutionary puzzle were not already sufficiently challenging, we have learned recently that two types of adaptive immune system have evolved in vertebrates ...
Offered by the Department of Physics at Faculty of Science and Technology The master’s programme in Complex Adaptive Systems addresses fundamental aspects of complex systems in nature and society and ...
Ivan Garibay at the Complex Adaptive Systems Laboratory at the University of Central Florida, and supported by the DARPA SocialSim program. His dissertation work centered around the development of an ...