Scientists examined samples from this ancient Roman pier with very high-powered X-rays Researchers have unlocked the chemistry of Roman concrete which has resisted the elements for thousands of years.
Concrete is an incredibly useful and versatile building material on which not only today’s societies, but also the ancient Roman Empire was built. To this day Roman concrete structures can be ...
The most recent of these studies reveals that some ancient Roman structures are even stronger today than they were when they were built. Put simple, the Romans really knew their concrete.
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University announced a breakthrough in understanding the durability of ancient Roman concrete. El Confidencial reported ...
According to the team, a sulfur-based concrete will likely be the most reliable initial material for buildings on Mars. But researchers also suggest that another, more outlandish contender could be ...
Future colonisers of Mars will have to look closer to home in search of building materials, according to new research, in some cases inside their own bodies.