The Aladdin Collection transports viewers into a magical world full of adventure, mystical genies, and flying carpets. It begins with Disney's original animated classic, "Aladdin" (1992), where a ...
In 2019, THR reported that Billy Magnussen's "Aladdin" character would get his own spin-off movie on Disney Plus. The film is not supposed to be a sequel. Anders is a prince who unsuccessfully ...
It begins with Disney's original animated classic, "Aladdin" (1992), where a young street urchin named Aladdin discovers a magic lamp that could change his destiny. The collection continues with ...
If you had three wishes, would one of them be for a movie about a fast-talking genie and a good-hearted street rat with a monkey friend? Then Aladdin is right up your alley! Disney’s classic ...
2024 might be a whole new world in some ways compared to 1992, but the Aladdin cast are still close 32 years later. "I keep in touch with everybody," says Larkin, 54. "I was just with Jonathan ...