Electronic Arts is set to purchase PopCap Games for $1 billion, according to TechCrunch. PopCap Games is best known for titles such as Plants vs. Zombies, Peggle, and Bejewled, all of which are ...
A former EA DICE employee spoke about the causes of problems at EA DICE studio and what the future of the Battlefield series ...
Plants vs. Zombies 3 is going offline soon as developer PopCap Games plans to "re-tool" the game based on player feedback.
据业内消息人士透露,EA总部已正式决定关闭他们在北京的分公司,相关的业务将全权移交给三年前收购来的宝开公司(PopCap Games),这也就意味着,宝开将正式接替EA Mobile的职能,在大中华地区研发和发行所有EA旗下IP的移动业务,包括著名的《极品飞车》、《FIFA》等。 EA北京分公司主要是负责移动产品研发及发行的部门,其前身为Jamdat公司,Jamdat被EA收购后EA以Jamdat ...