Exam Skills is a series of short audio programmes which give expert advice and practical tips on how to prepare for all aspects of English language exams. We've created a bank of FREE downloadable ...
The writing portion of the English HKDSE exam, Paper 2, counts for a full 25 per cent of the entire grade. Young Post spoke to Patrick Chan of Beacon College, Alan Chan of King’s Glory Education ...
Candidates can check all the details about the IELTS exam here. Get information about the exam date, fees in india, eligibility, syllabus, pattern and IELTS score accepting top universities.
When it comes to the English exam for the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE), students might focus their revision more on their reading and writing skills and overlook the listening test.
Students headed to nearly 200 testing sites on Nov. 27 across Tokyo to take the first English speaking test with the results forming part of the entrance exams for metropolitan high schools.