Well, any of us who has ever looked through a telescope could say the same, for the two principal types in use today were developed by giants: the refractor by Galileo and the reflector by Newton.
The journey of astronomical telescopes began in the early 17th century when Galileo Galilei crafted his first refracting ...
Shortly after he began producing his binoculars, news of the telescope reached Galileo. These days, the telescope is mostly closely associated with the night sky, but it's also useful on land and ...
Galileo gave very few details of his observing ... The drive was then on to build bigger and more powerful telescopes with greater magnification. It was soon realized that what was to become ...
3 min read The Hubble Space Telescope was designed to free astronomers of a limitation that has plagued them since the days of Galileo—Earth's atmosphere. Shifting air pockets in the atmosphere ...
Galileo changed the way we study motion. He backed experimentation as a means of uncovering the secrets of nature. And his discoveries with the telescope changed our understanding of the universe.
Second, you soon want a bigger telescope. Galileo, who first trained a telescope on the night sky 400 years ago this fall, pioneered this two-step program. First, he marveled at what he could see.
On January 7, 1610, the Italian astronomer Galileo discovered three of Jupiter's moons: Callisto, Europa and Io. When he looked at Jupiter through his telescope, he saw what he thought were three tiny ...
Hubble’s work pushed the field of astronomy forward, starting with his paper demonstrating that some objects exist outside ...
There’s too much waiting for you in the universe above our heads. Galileo said it best: telescopes “reveal the invisible.” You might be tempted to put off using your new telescope until it ...
Galileo Galilei made an important discovery about Venus much later. He observed the planet not only waxing and waning through a telescope, but also appearing to change size. This showed him the ...
Galileo made himself one of the world's first telescopes and discovered the moons of Jupiter. He supported Copernicus' theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun. This brought him in conflict ...