As elegant in flight as they are hapless on ... When the clash ends, one gannet leaves; the other has a home. “The bird is faithful to the site once it occupies it,” says Stuart Murray ...
Gannets are evolution’s finest work as a bird sublimely adapted to hunting ... crockery in the cupboards rattling, their steadfast flight occasionally stalled, their wings folding behind them ...
The short film is based on the real-life story of a gannet who fell hopelessly in love with a replica bird, which was part of a fake colony on an uninhabited island off the coast of New Zealand Cast ...
Bird Island stands as the only Gannet colony in the world that can be accessed by foot, further enhancing its allure for conservationists and nature enthusiasts alike. “The surge in Gannet ...
Bird flu has killed an estimated 30% of Alderney's gannet colony, The Alderney Wildlife Trust has said. The Trust believed the population had "not recovered" from an avian influenza outbreak in ...
With ongoing monitoring and innovative conservation strategies, Lambert’s Bay Bird Island celebrates a conservation milestone ...
Bird Island, nestled off the coast of Lambert’s Bay, has become Southern Africa’s beacon of success in seabird conservation and the Cape Gannet population is flourishing, Cape {town} Etc reports.