While you’re slathering your hickey in creams, devouring pineapple, and/or contemplating a laser treatment, you still want to cover that bad boy up so you can look a little more presentable. Here are ...
SO, YOU AND your partner got a little excited during your last make-out session, and now you have a hickey. A visible hickey.
Hickey, Conor, and Myles Allen. "Economics of Enhanced Methane Oxidation Relative to Carbon Dioxide Removal." Art. 4043. Environmental Research Letters 19, no. 6 (June 2024).
Hickey, Conor, Sam Fankhauser, Stephen Smith, and Myles Allen. "A Review of Commercialisation Mechanisms for Carbon Dioxide Removal." Frontiers in Climate 4, no. 258 (2023).