Several helpful viewers sent links to information about how the Chinese manage the manure from the multistory hog facilities they are building. So, to David Marshall and Eric Owens, please send ...
Farmers have long known that flammable gases from piles of manure could be collected and burned. Contemporary gas production on livestock farms relies on sealing dairy, cattle, and hog manure lagoons ...
Developers of a renewable biogas project in remote north-central Missouri are hoping to turn hog manure into energy. Murphy-Brown of Missouri LLC is teaming up with Roeslein Alternative Energy LLC ...
COLUMBIA, Mo. — University of Missouri Extension is studying the use of pig manure as a crop fertilizer in research at the MU Bradford Research Farm in Columbia. The study is looking at corn ...
The University of Missouri and its research partners are now studying the effectiveness of pig manure as corn fertilizer and preliminary results look promising. "We're trying to look at how do we ...
The company housed over 6,500 hogs, two storage ponds for hog manure and multiple fields where millions of gallons of manure were spread as fertilizer. For more than six years, NPCA and our allies ...