There are 26 direct trains that run between Jammu Tawi and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra. The train schedules consist of 5 daily, 14 weekly, 2 biweekly and 2 triweekly trains. These include DEMU, Mail ...
The Tawi riverfront project in the heart of Jammu is being developed on the lines ... Light and Sound Show, Temple of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams etc have already been completed to further ...
Jammu, balmy in its weather yet bold in spirit, stands at the threshold of the mighty Himalayas. While scenically nestled by ...
Patna: The railways has cancelled and short-terminated several mail and express trains due to the ongoing station redevelopment work at Jammu Tawi under the Northern Railway and Surat under the ...
Praising the efforts of the Jammu people for the construction of the Ram temple, Koul mentioned their participation in Kar Seva and the fight for the temple's construction. "A large number of ...