Grade 4 and grade 8 pupils in multiple U.S. states have reading and math skill below the national average, according to ...
Despite declines nationwide, Tennessee kids showed growth in math and reading in the latest National Assessment of ...
The nation's young people scored an average 5 points lower in reading than kids who tested before the COVID-19 pandemic in ...
Explore our exciting online educational games covering a range of subjects from science to maths and literacy skills. All of our interactive games are suitable for children aged from three to 14 ...
Maine's reading and math proficiency for 4th graders has fallen roughly 10 percentage points since 2019 and are some of the ...
Rethinking Literacy & Math in the U.S. The key to fostering a love for learning is engaging children early while improving access to and quality of education in America. Our goal is to ensure that ...
Wisconsin’s fourth-grade test scores showed a continued decrease in aptitude while the eighth-grade math scores were the ...
The state Department of Education says the Nation’s Report Card shows Iowa tenth in the nation for eighth grade reading ...
New test results show that U.S. students are still behind in reading and have made minimal math gains post-pandemic, ...
The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted education, leaving lasting effects on students' learning. A recent National Assessment of Educational Progres ...