To becume bin rice. Gewurbe Oin willa on Eoroan swa swa on heoronum..." Some differences in pronunciation between the ancient and the present day Assyrian words may be due to mispronunciation of the ...
Assyrians are Christians. They belong to three main Assyrian churches: 1) The Assyrian Church of the East ("Nestorian"), established in 33 A.D. by Theodos, Thomas, and Bartholomew; 2) the Syriac ...
The Akitu Festival was celebrated in 12 consecutive days during the Assyrian-Babylonian empires period with different rituals and activities in each one of those days The modern Syriac people have ...
The Akitu Festival was celebrated on 12 consecutive days during the Assyrian-Babylonian empires period with different rituals and activities on each one of those days The modern Syriac people have ...