This illustration shows the C1 polymer formation, where the Pd-catalyst (red spere) is linearly combining a number of diazoacetate monomers (transparent sphere) to form the polymer main chain.
In the context of this definition, REACH specifies: A ‘monomer unit' means the reacted form of a monomer in a polymer The weight percentage of molecules containing three monomer units or above should ...
This is often called the ‘nylon rope experiment’ because nylon continues to form until one of the monomers is used up. Hydrogen chloride is formed instead of water. This is an acidic gas with ...
We are developing new monomers based on free radical polymerization routes that can be used in the body to form completely degradable networks. New pathways to highly versatile hyperbranched polymers ...
Synthetic 2D polymers made from well-defined monomers promise to expand the range of such materials, but are very difficult to synthesize. A collection of articles in this Focus highlights some of ...
More information: Eiji Ihara, Development of polymer syntheses using diazocarbonyl compounds as monomers, Polymer Journal (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41428-024-00954-1 Provided by Ehime University ...
Researchers at Cornell University create a novel thermoset using dihydrofuran, enabling chemical recycling and natural ...
A research team led by scientists at Northwestern University has developed the first-ever two-dimensional mechanically interlocked material with high flexibility and strength. In the future, this ...