Apologies can help improve the quality of the treatment relationship by restoring trust and sharing power with the patient.
This is the argument that we ought to save the lives of strangers when we can do so at relatively little cost to ourselves. Australian philosopher Peter Singer says that where world poverty is ...
Think back to your own conversations about morality: When's the last time you had a conversation about a deeply held moral value and came away from it thinking, "I guess I'm wrong; their facts ...
President Donald Trump wasted no time showing Americans what he and his Republican Party value in America and its citizens.
They believe that if the consequences are good, then the action is allowed. A person's moral value is formed and influenced by a variety of different sources, such as family A person’s moral ...
People who value care and fairness may prefer softer ... and societal contexts in shaping both music preferences and moral values. Music that resonates in one cultural context due to its moral ...
I am not disputing the moral necessity of informed consent for research with donated organs and body fluids, but Anderson appears oblivious to society's legitimate expectation that medical ...
There may always be disagreement about these types of norms in the game, but there may also be value in examining how apologies can help us better understand analogous norms of medical ...