JR Smith – NBA 2K11 虽然 JR Smith 是一名可靠的首发球员,能够创造一些关键亮点,但 NBA 2K 粉丝们也同意他在 NBA 2K11 中也是一头猛兽。凭借 71 的评分 ...
JR史密斯是一名可靠的首发球员,能制造关键时刻,但在NBA 2K11中,他被游戏玩家视为场上猛将。凭借71的评分,游戏中的史密斯比现实中更具威胁。
NBA phenom Blake Griffin is the king of dunks. Except in one NBA 2K11 franchise, where he bricks more dunks than anyone would like to admit. See his most brutal failures.
From 'NBA 2K11' to 'FIFA 13,' here are the best games in all of sports history, covering basketball, soccer, wrestling, football, skateboarding, and more.