Film series featuring Godzilla from the Reiwa era. "Godzilla (Reiwa)" is a thrilling movie collection that showcases the mighty Godzilla's destructive power. In the first film, "Shin Godzilla," a ...
Set in the aftermath of Japan’s defeat in World War II, the latest Godzilla film pays sincere homage to the 1954 original. In “Godzilla Minus One,” Ryunosuke Kamiki plays Shikishima ...
The last scene leaves room for the possibility of a new Godzilla emerging from the remnants of its flesh. A sequel to Godzilla Minus One seems likely given the film’s ambiguous ending and its ...
Director Takashi Yamazaki hopes his “Godzilla Minus One” winning an Oscar will bring about monstrous reverberations, opening new horizons for his career as well as for the Japanese movie industry.
Fans of genre movies had an absolute blast in 2023. Hollywood studios and streamers ... to be a slight against Baldoni. Writing in his new memoir, the actor reflects on the accidental desire ...
Discover when Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is coming to Max below. According to Max, a version of the film with American Sign Language (ASL) will also stream exclusively on Max the same day.
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is just days out from its big launch. On March 29th, the kaiju movie will land in U.S.. theaters, and the MonsterVerse promises the blockbuster won’t disappoint.