I thought they don’t bite. We swam with a lot of nurse sharks in Maldives,” underscoring the rare nature of such an event. Several people also dived in with witty remarks about the shark’s ...
Great whites get all the glory, but bottom-dwelling sharks bring plenty to the table. Here, we're looking at some of our favorite seabed shark species.
Nurse sharks are particularly unassuming sharks, often seen lying motionless on the seabed, or under rocky overhangs. But when it comes to finding a mate, they really start to liven up.
Shane Gross 's Image Shane woke at dawn to the sound of splashing. Scrambling out of his tent, he spotted ‘a pile of 14 nurse sharks thrashing around in knee-deep water’. He had seen them heading for ...
Three days after the incident, the Archipelago corporation, Coralina, alerted on its social networks that a group of people caught a nurse shark. Since it became known of the attack on the Italian ...
A tourist floating on the surface of crystal clear water in the Maldives remained unfazed as nurse sharks swam beneath her, recent footage shows. Footage by Rizkhan Mohamed of Shadow Palm Tours shows ...
A shark attack left a woman with wounds on her three fingers. She got bitten while swimming beside a school of fish in Maldives.
Sand tiger sharks, also known as gray nurse sharks, have a deceivingly ferocious look. They are large-bodied and display a mouthful of sharp teeth that protrude in all directions, even when the ...