For others, pneumonia can cause severe respiratory distress and require hospitalization. Symptoms can also differ in children, leading to nausea and vomiting uncommonly seen in adults. In older ...
We describe factors associated with pneumonia among adults hospitalized with influenza. Methods: Through the Emerging Infections Program, we identified adults ≥ 18 years, who were ...
Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs which is usually caused by an infection. Most people who contract it get better in two to four weeks but it can be dangerous in babies, older people and ...
Just one in four (25%) people at high risk of pneumococcal disease, an infection that causes pneumonia—children younger than 2, adults older than 64, and those with certain chronic health ...
The study period comprised 3 influenza seasons, 2005–2006 to 2007–2008. Patients were included in this analysis if they were ≥ 18 years of age, were hospitalized with laboratory ...
Initial symptoms (on day 1 ... The present study underscores that hMPV can cause significant pneumonia in immunocompetent adults with no comorbidities. This highlights the growing recognition ...