This week introduces the devices that allow robots to move and effectuate changes in their environment ("actuators"), as well as perceive their world ("sensors"). This week you will learn how to ...
You can also use this repository as a standalone project and run it directly on the robot. Build by running prosv5 make. There is an example program in src/opcontrol.cpp. You will have to provide your ...
especially as your robot comes into contact with other robots during gameplay. However, odometry is usually very accurate during the autonomous period. ## Creating the odometry object The ...
The sensor data logged include the observed robot odometry and the laser rangefinder observations. Please cite our paper (listed below) if you use this data in your research.
Color Images,Construction Sites,Depth Camera,Depth Images,Dynamic Environment,End-effector,Fitness Function,Heterogeneous Robots,Humanoid Robot,Inertial Measurement ...
Pose Estimation,Camera Pose,Consensus Set,Field Of View,Line Segment,Mobile Robot,Odometry,Robot Pose,Site Model,Urban Environments,Urban Sites,Visual Feedback,Visual ...