A SCOTTISH farm has gone on the market for more than £8 million. Penston Farm, near Macmerry in the heart of East Lothian, has been farmed by the Orr family for more than 70 years. Now, the farm is up ...
For those coveting an island of their own, this may be the chance: Eilean Loch Oscair is for sale with ... Appin on the Scottish mainland. The island is a croft —a small farm— with the ability ...
We are peering into a cage of an intensive Atlantic salmon farm, owned by the Norwegian multinational Mowi, in Upper Loch Torridon along Scotland’s west coast. It’s September 2024. It’s ...
Investors who buy 34 shares in the farm get a certificate for a flat white that can be redeemed starting this weekend at one of 13 coffee shops in Scotland that use the dairy’s milk.
The government's inheritance tax changes will affect more than 75% of English and Scottish farms of 50 hectares in size or more, new AHDB analysis warns. It shows that 42,204 out of 54,938 farms – ...
Salmon farms with “persistently” high death rates should face the threat of closure to prevent them harming wild fish in Scotland’s rivers, a Holyrood inquiry has recommended. The Scottish ...