Fellsmere, Pelican Island, Osceola Magnet and Rosewood Magnet elementary schools to add sixth grade in August.
From the community to the classroom, PS7 Middle School students are getting a lesson on everyday heroes making an impact.
Parents have been informed about an incident involving a 6th-grade student who made a threatening comment toward another ...
According to the Cheatham County Sheriff’s Department, sixth grade teacher Mia King is facing charges after deputies found two baggies of cocaine in her open purse which was inside a closet next ...
It's the highest Indiana has ever ranked in fourth grade reading, according to the state's department of education.
Superintendent David Moore says there's room to accommodate sixth grade at each school, but they may need to use portable ...
The Catskill Central School District’s plan to move the sixth grade class from the middle school back to the elementary school could be a precursor to combining the administrations of the district’s ...