The objective of the research in the atomic and molecular laser spectroscopy laboratory is to gain knowledge about the basic properties of ions and neutral atoms and molecules, with a particular ...
The Broadband Terahertz (THz)- Spectroscopy Laboratory is dedicated to perform (in-situ) spectroscopy measurements on samples of relevance for space research ranging from planetary materials (e.g.
PSL is the only infrastructure in the world to measure spectra of solid and powdered materials, in air/vacuum, from low to very high T (-200° to 1000°C), over an extended spectral range (0.3 to > 100 ...
Among its many attributes, the building has a 40-station organic teaching lab, computational chemistry lab, polymer processing lab, a variety of research laboratories, culture rooms, a laser ...
05/2024: Xiangcheng receives one research award sponsored by NYSP2I (funded by NYSDEC). Look forward to having several undergraduates on this project in the lab soon. 03/2024: Our lab receives one ...
Its features include: The Raman lab also has a Nicolet 670 FTIR spectrometer interfaced to a Continuum FTIR microscope for microscale reflection and transmission, as well as bulk transmission FTIR ...
Spectroscopy techniques are evolving to analyze cannabis edibles, addressing counterfeit issues and enhancing safety in the expanding legal cannabis market.
Who could imagine a world without plasma TV screens? Or a blood test without measurements of key electrolytes, sodium, and ...
Our Knowledge Exchange team is available to unite academic experts from the University of Sheffield's departments with colleagues from the public and private sectors, to develop new products, ...
The Microscopy Core Lab at UMass Lowell proudly presents Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) Day! Join us for this exclusive open house event, where we will demonstrate the cutting-edge capabilities ...