The camera views are unusual, the limbs don’t move the same way arms do, and intuitive human things like looking around to get a sense of where everything is don’t translate well. A stereo ...
Stereophotography cameras are difficult to find, so we’re indebted to [DragonSkyRunner] for sharing their build of an exceptionally high-quality example. A stereo camera has two separate lenses ...
The code implements the stereo camera for object detection, labelling and distance estimation with the esp32. The notebooks are: stereo_image_v6.ipynb: this is for calibrating the camera. esp32_stereo ...
In case of stereo vision application, one camera can be selected as reference point too. That time we need to know rotation and translation of one camera according to another in addition to instrinsic ...
The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) is Germany's most important contribution to the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars Express mission. The main objective of this mission, which reached Mars in ...
The German machine vision specialist Chromasens has announced an industrial camera that merges linescan imaging technology ...
e-con Systems Inc., a leading embedded camera solution company, today announced the launch of TaraXL, a USB 3.0 Stereo vision camera. TaraXL is based on the 1/3-inch MT9V024, a WVGA Global shutter ...