Google is changing the way visible URLs show up on mobile search results worldwide. Search results since 2009 have shown ...
Gary Illyes from Google said that if a URL has a status within Console as "URL is unknown to Google" that means that URL is ...
We hope this change makes it easier for people to find what they're looking for when they're searching on mobile,” said ...
Google's John Mueller clarified once again that your URLs do not need to be lowercase, they can be uppercase, it really doesn't matter. But he did say, pick either lowercase or uppercase ...
Google has announced that it is removing breadcrumbs from search results on mobile. The feature will still be available on ...
Google 正在改变全球移动搜索结果中可见 URL 的显示方式。自 2009 年以来,搜索结果显示“面包屑”或网页 URL 的层次结构,在域名后使用“>”,但从今天开始,它只会在您的智能手机或平板电脑上显示域名。根据 Google 的结构化数据指南,Web 开发人员可以对结果的显示方式进行一些控制,该指南还控制信息在其摘要和其他区域中的显示方式,并且面包屑仍会显示在桌面搜索中。移动设备(顶部)和 ...
Google has announced a significant update to mobile search results, which simplifies URL appearance for better user ...