The source said that Ukraine first launched drones to overwhelm Russia's air defenses in the area before striking the site, located near the small village of Chaltyr, with a Neptune missile.
Here is what we know and can assess of the roster of Ukraine’s home-grown missiles today. The Neptune, a nautical cruise missile Originally designed to hit ships from coastal positions ...
Officially adopted in 2020, the Neptune missile cost around $40 million (£32 million) to develop. This latest hit follows several days of successful strikes by Ukraine on Russian targets.
Neptune is Ukraine’s ground-launched, domestically produced anti-ship rocket with a maximum range of 300 kilometers. Ukrainian forces reportedly used Neptune missiles to destroy a Russian S-400 ...
Ukraine attacked a Russian warehouse full of reconnaissance drones on Friday. A security source said Ukraine targeted the facility with drones and a Neptune missile. Russia uses its reconnaissance ...
A security source said Ukraine targeted the facility with drones and a Neptune missile. Russia uses its reconnaissance drones to support deep strikes, which have been a problem for Kyiv.