so the voltage across the resistor is \((9 - 2) = 7 V\) The current is the same through components in series, so the current in the resistor is 12.5 \(mA (0.0125 A)\).
First find the total resistance of the voltage divider. If the thermistor is moved to a freezer its resistance rises to \(40k\Omega\). The resistance of the resistor remains the same. We can ...
[j] is measuring the supply voltage to help counteract the noise ... There’s a video after the break of The Great Resistor being put through its paces! If you want to know more about the ...
This design also uses a clamping diode to keep the gate voltage within a safe range. But there are P-FETs out there that wouldn’t need that diode or resistor. This method wastes ten times less ...