An attempt at creating a virtual reality flight simulator solely using the Oculus Rift Touch controllers (and rudder pedals if available). The aircraft is a Piper PA-28 Archer II (presented as a low ...
This paper initiates the process to evaluate a virtual reality flight simulator to train ab-initio pilots in a multi-crew environment using a complex jet aircraft (a Boeing 737-800). An experimental ...
you can now enjoy a Virtual Reality-based version of Microsoft Flight Simulator. The developer says that the update has been inspired by the powerful feedback from the MFS community. It is also ...
CosmoScout VR is an open-source simulation of our solar system developed at the Institute for Software Technology at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). It is primarily aimed at the interactive ...
While at the University of Oxford, Dr Windsor investigated how insects use visual information to control their flight. Using a virtual reality flight simulator for insects, the flight forces and head ...