You’ve probably seen the image known as "the sleepy Mexican," a man wearing a Sombrero, sitting down with his knees in his chest, sleeping. It’s been used over the years to portray a negative ...
New research by ASM's Associate Director, Dr. James T. Watson, was just published by the University of Utah Press in Reassessing the Aztatlán World: Ethnogenesis and Cultural Continuity in Northwest ...
Researchers are finding chimpanzees have more in common with humans that was previously thought. Jacob Negrey (SoA Assistant Professor) discusses how chimpanzees transition to old age and how that ...
David Killick and Frances Hayashida (2022). Copper smelting and refining in the Pampa de Chaparrí, Lambayeque, Peru,ca. 1030–1180 cal AD. Journal of Archaeological ...
I am a socio-cutural and medical anthropologist. In my scholarship I draw on insights garnered from over two decades of field-based research that has centered on multi-dimensional aspects of violence, ...
2015 Applying Anthropology to Develop University-Affiliated Childcare Centers. Practicing Anthropology 37(1):46-49. 2014 Textile Traditions, Gender and Social Capital in Non-State Societies: A Case ...
Vance Holliday is both an archaeologist and geologist who has spent much of his career reconstructing and interpreting the landscapes and environments in which past societies lived, and how these ...
The University of Arizona has a long legacy of anthropological research in the Southwest region that spans all subfields of anthropology and involves numerous other campus units. This theme promotes ...
The Anthropology minor requires students take 18 or more credits of their choice in Anthropology with at least 9 of those units being upper division (300/400 level). Students may focus on one of the ...
The School of Anthropology celebrates its graduate alumni as they continue on their riveting careers! Our alumni, reaching all the way back to 1928 when the first M.A. degrees in archaeology were ...
Current projects include the Joint Courts Complex Project (an historic cemetery in Tucson, Arizona), the Animas-LaPlata Project (a Pueblo I Community in southern Colorado), and the Beidha Project (a ...
My research examines health and disease in prehistoric populations through their skeletal remains. I am specifically interested in understanding prehistoric human adaptations in desert ecosystems and ...