Kasuarissen zijn grote, loopvogels afkomstig uit Australië en Nieuw-Guinea. Je kent ze waarschijnlijk vanwege hun opvallende uiterlijk en krachtige poten, waardoor ze bijna prehistorisch lijken.
While some are looking for life on other planets, others are looking for life on Earth. There are an estimated 8.7 million organisms alive today, of which only around 1.2 million have been recorded, ...
Have you ever wondered who the loudest creature on Earth is? If that’s the case, then it’s the perfect opportunity to encounter the magnificent blue whale. This extraordinary marine creature calls our ...
Rattlesnakes are a group of venomous snakes known for their distinctive rattle at the end of their tails, which they use as a warning signal. Found primarily in the Americas, these reptiles are ...
محتوای بررسی شده توسط متخصصان ما بر اساس انتشارات علمی فعلی است، با این حال ما ماهیت همیشه در حال تحول علم را تصدیق می کنیم. کامل ما را بخوانید سرمقاله و افشاء سیاست. هنر سرخپوشان شگفت انگیز ...
Snow in winter can make hunting challenging for wolves. Image via Max Goldberg from USA, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons ...
Hirschkot, auch als Hirschkot bekannt, ist ein faszinierender und wesentlicher Bestandteil des natürlichen Ökosystems. Hirschkot kann uns eine Fülle von Informationen über die Gesundheit eines Tieres ...