The Florida scrub jay is in the same family as the blue jay, so it makes sense that they look rather similar. As with the California scrub, this bird is again a similar length and coloring to the ...
While some blue jays fly south during winter, some remain on their home ground all year round. This is surprising because some birds fly South even within the same family, while others are left at ...
After the hustle and bustle of hosting a family gathering, my wife and I were able to nestle ... So, while everyone else was feeding and fighting amongst themselves, there was one lone blue jay who ...
The bird’s flight is strong and steady, with wings rarely flexed above horizontal. Polytypic. Length 11.5". A nearly unmistakable dark blue, black-crested jay with variable white or blue ...
Juvenile: much grayer overall, showing very little blue on the head. Flight: Usually undulating with quick deep wingbeats. Both the Steller’s jay and the blue jay have conspicuous crests and ...