Other hidden sources of water in the Earth's crust Hidden sources of water within ... such as tectonics and magmatism, and contribute to the global water cycle by releasing water into the ...
Our research group uses multidisciplinary tools to address fundamental geological questions related to the origin and evolution of Earth and other planetary bodies. The main focus is on the crust ...
Drewitt, J. W. E., Walter, M. J., Zhang, H., McMahon, S. C., Edwards, D., Heinen, B. J., Lord, O. T., Anzellini, S., & Kleppe, A. K. (2019). The fate of carbonate in ...
Stable parts of the Earth's crust may not be as immovable as previously thought. While much of the crust is affected by plate tectonic activity, certain more stable portions have remained ...
Like a moth in a cocoon, the metamorphosis of Earth's crust from molten goop to solid land is hidden from view, leaving scientists to guess at how the eons-long process unfolds. Using nearly four ...