The basic theme of State and Revolution—the one that indelibly inscribes itself on the memory, and immediately comes to mind when one thinks of the work—is the theme of the revolution as a destructive ...
What is ‘the anti-globalization movement’?footnote 1 I put the phrase in quote-marks because I immediately have two doubts about it. Is it really a movement? If it is a movement, is it ...
The headless in turn calls up a third avatar of the bête active in Hirschhorn, the fan: ‘The fan can seem kopflos [headless]’, he writes, ‘but at the same time he can resist because he’s committed . .
The thesis of the end of art has become a familiar slogan: radicals take it as a truism; they reject or ‘suspend’ art as part of bourgeois culture, just as they reject or suspend its literature or ...
Ralph Miliband’s recently published work, The State in Capitalist Society,footnote 1 is in many respects of capital importance. The book is extremely substantial, and cannot decently be summarized in ...
Nearly half a century after its original publication in Germany, Georg Lukács’s History and Class Consciousness footnote 1 has at last become available in English. Those who now read the book for the ...
Key people.—The self-important type who only thinks himself something when confirmed by the role he plays in collectives which are none, existing merely for the sake of collectivity; the delegate with ...