欢迎来到 '无性繁殖的动物和 我们经过专家审核的内容以当前科学出版物为基础,但我们也承认科学不断发展的本质。阅读我们的完整编辑和披露政策. 生殖简介 小丑鱼喜欢生活在温水中。图片来自小丑鱼的美丽图片。图片来自 Triniti14045,CC BY-SA 4.0 https ...
气候变化不仅导致夏季变暖和天气变化无常,还会导致海平面上升,这对全球沿海城市来说是一个特别现实和迫切的威胁。由于冰盖融化和暖水膨胀,海平面上升使许多城市面临危险。以下是到 12 年可能被淹没的 2030 个城市。 迈阿密是美国最脆弱的城市之一。
In an astonishing display of marine might, a 60-year-old orca, affectionately known as Sophia, has been captured on camera taking down a great white shark off the coast of South Africa. This rare ...
Wombatkot, auch Scat genannt, ist der Kot, den Wombats produzieren. Es handelt sich um eine einzigartige Form von Abfall, die wichtige Informationen über die Gesundheit und Ernährung dieser Tiere ...
Nature is full of surprises, and occasionally, we come across moments that leave us in awe. In a recent video that has captured the hearts of many, a polar bear seems to be seeking assistance, ...
Wir haben eine Liste unserer zehn besten Schneetiere zusammengestellt, die im Schnee nicht nur überleben, sondern gedeihen. Suchen Sie nach einer unterhaltsamen Möglichkeit, der Winterkälte zu ...
Veel onderwaterdieren zijn groter dan het leven en vaak gevreesd en zijn door de geschiedenis heen legendarisch geweest. Je vraagt je misschien af wat de top 10 gigantische onderwaterdieren zijn. We ...
Do you want to learn about the Akita? If you’re in the market for a new four-legged friend, you owe it to yourself to consider the Akita breed. Loyal and majestic, these dogs are considered national ...
When we consider survival against the harshest conditions our planet offers, the capabilities of some organisms are nothing short of remarkable. While humans are limited by temperature, oxygen levels, ...
The jungle is a wild and unpredictable place full of danger and adventure. Each zodiac sign has their own unique characteristics and traits that would make them stand out in the jungle. From the ...
In this post we’ll investigate if cats can eat cucumbers, and how to do so safely and properly. Cucumbers are a popular snack for humans, but some cat owners may wonder if they can share this veggie ...