Running in Asian countries has developed strongly in recent years. In countries like Japan or China, new major running events are emerging year after year. While there have been many top runners in ...
Die Glanderspitze (= Venet) kann über diverse Routen erreicht werden. Neben Aufstiegswegen von Fließ und Piller (jeweils im Pitztal) führt eine sehr einfache Route von Grist bei Zams auf den 2.512 ...
An overview of all marathons in the month of February. In addition to the dates of the races, other information are also listed, such as registration, schedule, announcement, routes and results. In ...
Did you know? The origin of the marathon lies in Greece! The history of the Marathon began 490 years before Christ, when the running messenger Pheidippides ran from Athens to Sparta in two days to ...