It’s fair to say that basketball is massive in America, but it’s not quite as big overseas, particularly in many European countries. Yes, there are some leagues out there (particularly in Germany), ...
德里克·罗斯退役后,这位最年轻的NBA MVP又成为一位在职业生涯结束时没有获得总冠军的优秀球员。赢得NBA总冠军最终会巩固球员的职业生涯。即使是世界上一些最优秀的球员也未能至少获得一个总冠军。10位现役NBA球员,他们值得赢得一枚总冠军戒指。
第10保罗、科比、克利福德罗宾逊保罗生涯至今合计赢了836场比赛,科比也是,对于克利福德罗宾逊大家可能不知道,他是89年的选秀,顶级的防守人,曾入选过全明星,还拿下过最佳第六人,巅峰赛季场均可以拿下20分6篮板2助攻的数据,生涯合计打了18分,科比和 ...
Nina Westbrook, the wife of Denver Nuggets guard Russell Westbrook, celebrated her 36th birthday on Thursday. Her husband, a former NBA MVP, shared a heartfelt message on Instagram to honor the ...