The Disney film Aladdin was released in 1992 and the character of the Genie, who grants three wishes, was voiced by the late ...
Robin Williams is known for many roles in his career, but lots of people will remember him for voicing the Genie in Aladdin.
In an age where digital effects and computer-generated imagery (CGI) dominate the world of animation, it’s easy to overlook the hand-drawn, frame-by-frame techniques that once defined the medium.
Recap of our magically magnificent experience with Moana, Spider-Man, and more aboard Disney Cruise Line's newest cruise ship ...
Disney has always aimed at kids, but it’s also fair to say that their movies are made for the whole family. The thing is, we ...
While many movies avoid the theme of motherhood, one 2024 flick decided to embrace the special role moms play.
The animated film 'The Glassworker,' directed by Usman Riaz, is contending for an Oscar, putting Pakistan's animation talent on the global stage.
Matt Busch, a writer and artist known for his work on the “Star Wars” brand celebrates the first of three futuristic films ...
The feature became the surprise tearjerker of the year by using a style that feels more 'Bambi' than 21st century, tackling themes like death and overcoming a serious voice injury that sidelined star ...
How to Train Your Dragon' will heat up cinemas this summer, and Gerard Butler is ready for audiences to see it.
Many Disney and Pixar characters are actually based on the appearance and mannerisms of real-life people, including ...