Some communities in Tamil Nadu also make a kuzhambu (gravy) with a mix of country vegetables (see recipe) that is served as an accompaniment to Pongal. Dry roast the moong dal before pressure cooking ...
But before you embark on your trip, relish real flavours at your home. Relish the authentic taste of Kashmir at your home and get transported to this breathtaking destination by enjoying flavourful ...
The range features three distinct products, each priced at £7.50 with an introductory offer of £6. Wild Garlic Scottish Salmon Fillets come with wild garlic butter, cracked black pepper and chives.
Equipment and preparation: for this recipe, you will need a tagine. Alternatively, use a deep, heavy-based, lidded casserole. For the tagine, heat the oil in a medium-sized tagine, or a deep ...
Equipment and preparation: For this recipe you will need a 15cm/6in, 23cm/9in and 30cm/12in round cake tin, thin cake boards of respective sizes, and 20cm/8in, 28cm/11in and 35cm/14in thick cake ...