Its shipments fell 17 per cent to 42.9 million units for the year. The iPhone maker made up 15 per cent of the market, while Vivo and Huawei took 17 per cent and 16 per cent, respectively.
For the first time since launching iPhone sales in India, Apple has entered the top five smartphone brands by volume, achieving a 10% market share during the October-December period, according to ...
Apple's (AAPL) global smartphone market share slipped one percentage point to 18% last year as fourth-quarter iPhone sales dropped 5%, according to Counterpoint Research. Bloomberg earlier had ...
Hong Kong – Apple sold fewer iPhones and lost ground to Chinese rivals in 2024, reflecting the absence of Apple Intelligence in its largest market outside the US. The iPhone slipped a point to ...
iPhone market share dips to 18% in 2024, as domestic Chinese brands like Huawei and Xiaomi gain ground. Global smartphone sales grow 4% in 2024, led by Europe, China, and Latin America after a ...