Submarines are fraught with danger, especially in times of war. Often tasked with operating solo or in pairs, submarines end ...
According to recent public opinion polling, a majority of American voters think there is at least a 50-50 chance of war with China happening within the next 10 years. In the same poll, almost 80 ...
Five years ago, for instance, it started building a new class of ballistic missile submarines called Columbia, the perceived replacement for the aging Ohio class. The U.S. Navy plans a fleet of 12 ...
As part of the construction of the seventh and final Astute-class nuclear-powered attack submarine, the Royal Navy has confirmed that its new designation will be HMS Achilles. According to an official ...
The first relatively large, fully autonomous XLUUV-class drone submarines are entering U.S. military service to perform specialized missions. But more powerful AI with quantum computing might ...