Anime is often dismissed as simply cartoon entertainment. However, many philosophical anime series and films tackle complex philosophical themes that explore the human condition.
The One Piece live-action series is one of the few Netflix-produced live-action anime shows that proved popular among fans, quickly achieving a second season order. Anime has always been a big ...
Hulu remains a great platform for watching some of the best anime, especially as the medium becomes more mainstream. With a robust catalog of anime classics, modern hits, and ongoing series ...
Each series tells unique stories in different ... Whether a long-time fan or a newcomer to the franchise, here are some of the best Fate anime in terms of story and plot, ranked.
Although the studio has produced countless shows by now, these are perhaps the best anime by SynergySP. SynergySP is not known for producing isekai anime, but The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?