A good mix offers the right amounts of airflow, water, and nutrients for container plants. To choose the best potting mix for your plants, you need to know these specs: - pH: A good potting mix should ...
If you have a large-sized garden or different containers with different plant species, the Organic Plant Magic Compressed Organic Potting Soil is a go-to solution. Whether it is soilless or ...
Don Kinzler writes: "Premoistening mix is important because the ingredients in the growing mixes are dry and they’re often difficult to rewet." ...
The ideal time to plant plumeria is generally from spring to early summer when temperatures are consistently warm and the risk of frost has passed, says Br ...
Succulents are most often propagated using cuttings. However, you may want to add a rare plant to your collection that's ...
Because peonies are long-term perennials, able to last in good blooming condition for over 40 years, they are best planted in ...
What type of potting soil is best for starting seeds inside? The best choice for seed starting indoors would be a commercially-produced, soilless mix formulated specifically for starting seeds.
Forget spending lots of money on a shiny new planter; make do with what you have for a container garden that is truly unique.
Growing a small kitchen garden is possible with the right plants, efficient use of space, and simple practices like container ...
Question: Dear Master Gardeners, can I use my potting soil to start my vegetable seeds this year? I have quite a bit left over since last year.
Winter sowing gives seeds the chilling period (stratification) they need to break dormancy and germinate. Seeds sown into ...
Whether you want to start a new fig tree to continue the lineage of a beloved heirloom specimen or share cuttings with fellow ...