Evidence has emerged about the way bacteria become resistant to multiple drugs. The findings by a John Innes Centre research ...
Purpose: The effect of omeprazole on the oral bioavailability and urinary exposure of the Depomed formulation of extended-release(ER) ciprofloxacin was studied. Methods: A two-way crossover study ...
Copy number variants (CNVs) arise by homologous recombination (HR) between repeated sequences (recurrent CNVs) or by non-homologous recombination mechanisms that occur throughout the genome (non ...
Several fleshy fruits are highly affected by cracking, a severe physiological disorder that compromises their quality and causes high economical losses to the producers. Cracking can occur due to ...
Figure 6 depicts an example of a possible mechanism (but certainly not the only one) involved in the synergistic effect seen for the combination of some AMPs with chemical antibiotics. In this example ...
Erdosteine is a multimechanism, mucolytic agent that decreases the sputum viscoelastic properties and bacterial adhesion to the cell membrane, endowed with bronchial anti-inflammatory activity and ...