index. $39.95 paper. ISBN: 1-85285-593-2. While the story of the 40,000 or 50,000 foreign volunteers for the Spanish Republic during the civil war of 1936-1939 has been told often and generally with ...
The Spanish Church played an important political role in the 1936-1939 civil war ... the nationalists led by General Francisco Franco who eventually defeated the strongly anti-clerical republicans.
More from UK 85 African-Americans traveled to Spain to fight alongside the Republican side in the civil war. Their motivation was the defense of civil rights and the fight against the rise of fascism.
8 Through the first summer of civil war, Spain resembled nothing more than a heavily travelled highway ... 9 The Battle of the Jarama River Valley reached a stalemate after March 1, for neither the ...
There was a time when the Balearic Islands seemed insignificant to Spain, so much so they were ready to hand it over.
MADRID, April 14, 1931 (UP) -- The ancient throne of Spain fell today to join the other royal houses that have gone down in the post-war debacle, and a Republican ... in Spain's civil war.
MADRID, April 14, 1931 (UP) -- The ancient throne of Spain fell today to join the other royal houses that have gone down in the post-war debacle, and a Republican ... in Spain's civil war.
A tenuous ceasefire has ended the hostilities in Gaza but the deep impacts of that conflict on Australian society continue to ...
Work has begun on exhuming the bodies of four men killed in the Spanish Civil War from the ... to the victory of Gen Franco's nationalist forces over their Republican opponents.