3D computer graphics, sometimes called CGI, 3DCG or three-dimensional computer graphics (in contrast to 2D computer graphics), are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric ...
The course is targeted at students with a wide range of backgrounds in Computer Graphics, ranging from students with no previous experience to students with undergraduate courses in Computer Graphics.
COURSE GOAL: After taking CS 351-1, a student should be able to: Read WebGL API specifications and have familiarity with basic WebGL functionality Explain the use of linear algebra and standard ...
Second in a 3-course series on the methods and theory of computer graphics, this project-oriented course explores how to describe shapes, movement, and lighting effects beyond the built-in abilities ...
Computer graphics is a field that focuses on creating, manipulating, and representing visual images and animations using computers. It encompasses a wide range of applications, from video games ...
Last time, I talked about racing the beam, a type of graphics used when memory was scarce. Now it’s time to step into the future with more memory and talk about what modern 2D games still do to ...
Graphics devices. Interactive graphics systems. Drawing algorithms. Lines and polygons. Curves and surfaces. Representation of 3-D objects. Perspective. Techniques for visual realism. The course will ...
The aim of this module is to introduce the fundamental concepts of 3D computer graphics. This encompasses describing a 3D scene (modelling and data structures), constructing views, rendering, and ...
An introduction to the programming principles, methods and techniques of computer graphics. The course covers general graphics methods and techniques, graphics transformations, drawing algorithms, 3D ...
Members of the CS Computer Graphics and Applied Perception Lab perform funded research in the areas of computer graphics, eye tracking, and virtual reality. In addition, the lab provides a sandbox for ...
The evolution of computer graphics is something that has been well documented over the years, and it’s a topic that we always enjoy revisiting with our retrocomputing readers. To wit ...